Im Rahmen der Auseinandersetzung mit der Grundstimmung und Gefühlslage der Künstler und Kreativen in 2021 startet die
Keil-Collection Heidelberg einen Kreativwettbewerb zur Auseinandersetzung zwischen Tradition und Innovation in der zeitgenössischen Kunst.
In 3 Phasen wird eine Ideensammlung über Netzwerke und soziale Medien durchgeführt – wobei es bereits eine ersten freien und offenen Austausch über die grundsätzliche Stimmungslage unter Kreativen in 2021 gab, welcher in die Phasen des kreativen Ausdruck münden soll.
Die internationale Auseinandersetzung mit der künstlerischen Reflexion der Corona-Situation konnte in dem vergangenen Jahr und den vergangenen Wochen und Monaten in vielen Bereichen verfolgt werden – wir wollen hier vor dem Hintergrund unserer offenen Diskussion auf eine der vielen Aktionen hinweisen, die vielleicht noch nicht so einen weitreichenden Bekanntheitsgrad aufweisen kann:
Daraus eine paar Beispiele:
Me personally, I feel like all artists were affected real badly with this pandemic. I’ve noticed a lot more people making vent arts and more depressing stuff. I myself have been flourishing during the pandemic as I have more excuses to draw since I’ve been home more. I like to make happy cute art to help others feel better during times like these, but when I’m feeling down I usually draw darker/scarier things (or at least as much as my cute art style will allow me to).
D., USA, 21
Rosen sind rot
Veilchen nicht blau
Corona bringt Tod
Und Tage ganz grau
Doch sorge dich nicht
Erspähe das Licht
Du kommst so ins schwingen
Und ungelogen
Halt schau auf den Regenbogen
Er wird dich zum Lachen bringen
J., DE, 19
As the stairs of our lives grow in steepness and depth
And in spite of the death, with each breath we push on and
We fight to be given an inch in our mile.
They ask for a drive that we as a whole continue to
Expect, and yet we cannot provide.
For the abyss that has grown in our digging of graves
Swallows the staircase we so desperately hope stays standing.
As we fight for stability and order in chaos,
A battle of selfish and selfless grows between us:
That though we have feelings and our own desires,
We are obligated to primarily light others’ fires.
A., USA, 16
Right now, it feels as though people are growing bored of a virus that is still killing the weak and vulnerable. They want to pretend that it has gone away so they can resume their normal life.
People want to take off their masks, vaccinated or not. They do not want to social distance, even if there may be vulnerable people around them.
It feels like we have reached the last stretch in the battle against the virus, but people are so tired of fighting that they have put down their shields, pretending that the war still raging around them is already won.
But this is how we lose. This is what will put us back to the starting positions.
Through art, I feel I can create an image of war, which is what 2020 and 2021 have felt like. Without truly picking up a sword and shield, I can still become a soldier, which is what we all became when the virus first struck, but the continued fight is exhausting and not everybody is able to keep going. I think the imagery created by words and the transformation of real-life into a fictionalised account of the battle against the enemy makes it easier to understand the difficulties that weigh on every individual.
F., UK, 37