Dear Keil fans,
After an eventful Jubilee Year the finale took place last weekend. The Keil Collection Heidelberg, in collaboration with the curator Dr. Kristina Hoge, created an extensive Retrospective and also the most recent works . The exhibition pursued a special concept – works were not simply to be presented chronologically, but seven recurring main motif groups were identified in the oeuvre of Peter Robert Keil. Within these motif groups, works from various creative phases were presented in a comparative manner. A differentiated description of these motif groups can be found in the new Keil Book 80, which we will discuss later.
Dank der großzügigen Unterstützung der GIM Gesellschaft für innovative Marktforschung konnte die Ausstellung in den beeindruckenden Räumlichkeiten des Ottheinrichsbau, mitten im Heidelberg Schloss stattfinden. Auf über 600 m2, in 4 großen Räumen und mit einer Deckenhöhe von über 6 Metern entfalteten die farbenfrohen Werke im Kontrast zu dem Barockbau eine ganz besondere Anmutung.Keil 80 Book
Im Rahmen des Jubiläumsjahr hat sich die Keil Collection Heidelberg das Ziel gesetzt, nochmal ein ganz besonders Buch zu publizieren. As in the previous book “Keil 75”, the internationally renowned poster artist Götz Gramlich was responsible for the graphic design of the book. Nicht nur die spontanen Äußerungen der Keil Fans, sondern auch der überaus erfolgreiche Abverkauf zeugen davon, dass das Buch sehr gelungen ist. Einzelne Keil-Fans haben sich gleich 4 Exemplare gesichert. The Keil 80 book consists of three chapters. Im ersten Kapitel gibt es neben dem Vorwort ein ausführliches biographisches Interview mit Herrn Keil. Im zweiten umfangreichsten Kapitel werden entsprechend des „IchFarbe – ein Maler sagt ich“ Ausstellungskonzept die sieben immer wiederkehrenden Haupt-Motivgruppen darstellt und mit exemplarischen Werken belegt. Im dritten Kapitel werden die Anfänge, Motive und Hintergründe der Keil Collection Heidelberg erläutert. A concluding chronology documents the more than 20 activities of the past twelve years. The Keil 80 book features QR codes in all chapters that direct the reader to various relevant videos from the Keil Collection Heidelberg. Also worthy of mention are the images printed in the highest quality, which further bring the book to life. The first 80 copies are numbered and signed by the artist himself. In addition, Peter Robert Keil has made 80 drawings especially for the book. The book can be purchased for 50 euros through the Keil Collection Heidelberg. In addition, one of the 80 hand drawings costs 200 euros.
Rainer Réne Mueller Texte zur Kunst
The former museum director, gallery owner and contemporary poet Rainer Réne Mueller read from his texts on art and Peter Robert Keil. In lyrical circles, it is said that Rainer Réne Mueller continues the tradition of Paul Celan. You are welcome to watch video excerpts from his lecture in the following.Congratulations to Peter Robert Keil
In the summer of this year, the Keil Collection Heidelberg asked the fan community to send congratulations to Peter Robert Keil. We received more than 30 congratulations, most of which were accompanied by personal photos of the Keil works in their respective private rooms. We were particularly pleased that the President of the Bundestag, Bärbel Bas, congratulated Mr. Keil on his birthday and wished us a successful exhibition. On October 1, we presented the collected congratulations in a booklet to Mr. Keil and among the well-wishers an original hand-signed graphic was raffled.Charity auction and more
The idea of an auction emerged as part of the programme design. The Keil Collection had the ambition to organise a very special auction. At 7 p.m., in collaboration with auction house Historia and the well-known and legendary auctioneer Michael Lehrberger, the auction started on 6 international online livestream platforms with a guided tour of the exhibition. The tour was commented by curator Dr. Kristina Hoge and finally ended in the auction room. Here, 16 selected works from the Keil Collection were auctioned. Throughout the auction, a strong focus was continuously placed on content mediation. The focus was on background information, conveyed by experts such as the long-time Majolika employee Mrs. Bayne. For example, the entire production process of a Majolika ceramic including the two firings was explained in detail. The whole auction was more like an interesting and open discussion between experts and art lovers. All 16 works were successfully sold through bids from Germany, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, France and the USA. 50 percent of the proceeds went as a donation to the Xylon Museum in Schwetzingen.Feedback
The Keil Collection Heidelberg cordially invites you to give feedback on the evening, the programme items and the general activities of the Keil Collection Heidelberg. The Keil Collection would be very grateful for any suggestions for future activities! Please email the feedback to this sense, we thank you very much for your interest and your visit! We hope you continue to enjoy the art of Peter Robert Keil.
Your Keil Collection Heidelberg